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Comet 3D bead and shell In Silico Reconstitution of Actin-Based Motility (also see the CometWiki!)
How actin polymerization produces force, demonstrated by a computer simulation.
Colonies_inset Choanoflagellates and Animal Multicellularity
Single-celled and multi-celled choanoflagellates, the closest known relatives of animals—how they can help us understand how animals first evolved.
Filament Nucleation by Arp2/3 showing how VCA brings an actin monmer to a filament-bound Arp2/3, forming an Arp2-Arp3-actin nucleus, from which the daughter filament polymerizes.  The drop in affinity with Arp2/3 when Arp2 hydrolyzes ATP, and the loss of monomer binding energy helping VCA to release. How Arp2/3 Complex Nucleates Actin Filaments
The mechanism of a molecular machine, the Arp2/3 complex, which nucleates networks of actin filaments to produce force within cells.
Evidence that the ER lumen is continuous. A single spot (at crosshairs) was repeatedly illuminated (200 ms illumination every 2 s) with an intense laser beam. Images were obtained after indicated number of illumination pulses. The arrow indicates an adjacent unbleached cell. Residual perinuclear, Golgi-like fluorescence is seen under high camera gain after 60 bleach pulses (right panel) (see text). Continuity of, and Diffusion through, the Endoplasmic Reticulum
Investigating the mobility of proteins in the Endoplasmic Reticulum, the tubular network within cells where proteins are made for export.
X-ray of a human radius showind the trabecular bone pattern The Trabecular Bone Pattern as a window into Osteoporosis
Analyzing the patterns found in x-ray images of bones to tell us about osteopenia.
Fluorescence Lifetime Image of Vein Section Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM)
This technique gives us an extra dimension of fluorescence information